Tuesday, December 17, 2013
***Vegan Challenge***
Hello there people!! So in an attempt to change my eating habits (which are not horrible btw loll) i've decided to join a co-worker of mine in doing a vegan challenge. In the challenge we will be going completely vegan for a full week. NO DAIRY, NO MEAT!!!! AHHHHH! scary right....but i accepted the challenge. Today is the second day of the challenge and i'm feeling very sleepy and i may be sligthly dehydrated, so I've been drinking lots of water and juice to keep hydrated, and eating snacks to keep my energy up, so we will see how this goes! WISH ME LUCK :-))))
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Hello my fellow bloggers every now and then I have random thought the rush through my mind all at once.... do you ever have those??? Anywho, when I'm in that type of mood I like to write them down
just so that I can come back later, when my mind is "somewhat in order", I can go back and look at the madness lololol join me in doing this and tag me so I can YOUR RANDOMNESS!!!
1.That was very big of her #Growth
2. I'm soooo ready to leave work uugghh!!!! lol
3. I really hope this rehearsal won't be long because I really don't fell like rehearsing
4. I really want some chipotle
5. I can't wait to go to Nordstrom and buy the new holiday MAC lip collections
just so that I can come back later, when my mind is "somewhat in order", I can go back and look at the madness lololol join me in doing this and tag me so I can YOUR RANDOMNESS!!!
1.That was very big of her #Growth
2. I'm soooo ready to leave work uugghh!!!! lol
3. I really hope this rehearsal won't be long because I really don't fell like rehearsing
4. I really want some chipotle
5. I can't wait to go to Nordstrom and buy the new holiday MAC lip collections
Friday, November 29, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Birthing A Dream
The sky is the limit is what they tell us, and I believe every bit of that statement ,however, stepping out on faith and actually living that dream, is what they don't teach us about. NEVER let it stop you. <-------- That is what I keep telling myself.... God has given me too many gifts and I need to put them to use!! ASAP lol but seriously! I want to do soooo many things sometimes I feel like I'm doing to much with all these wants and desires/visions lol but then I remember the scricpture "(Ephesians 3:20) Now unto his who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. " which means I can do it ALL..LITERALLY.. and I intend on doing just that! GET EXCITED & BE INSPIRED <3 <3 !!!!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Its been tooooooo long!
Hello everyone I'm such a slacker! A lot has been going on in my life and I just haven't had the time to blog! :-( #forgive.. I'm going to be more consistent, however I've been reading some of you're blogs and there are some really good bloggers out there! You guys inspire me!!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
My Prayer To God
Dear God,
Thank you for always being there! In life there are so many thing to get used too, losing a loved one, a boy/girl friend, a friend etc. but the one thing that is for certain, constant, is you. You've been there when I expected you to leave, when I kept making the same stupid mistakes.... you're there!! Like its amazing that I can count on you always....the funnier thing is that you can be there for my neighbor and me at the same time! Omnipresent is what we you! You can be here, there and everywhere, working things out on our behalf! I THANK YOU!
This is my prayer just to say thank you! Most times we pray telling God our requests, wants, needs and more but rarely just talk to him and tell him thanks for everything he's done! I'm a living witness saying he's NEVER let me down! If you don't know jesus christ, I encourage you to get to know him, and let him be the BEST thing to ever happen to you like he is to me!! Experience the many blessing he has in store for you!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Word of The Day: Love
Something we all seek for
Something we all want to feel
A word thats often misused
One word that has so many meanings
The thing that can make us feel higher than any mountain and lower than any valley
The word that can take one completely out of character
Love is a lasting and unchanging
The word that covers a multitude of faults
If we are lucky we will all experience this!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Word of The Day: Consistency
Consistency is a huge word thats been on my mind lately because its such an important aspect of human relationships, but especially in romantic ones. When entering into new relationships we set a standard which follows an expectation. Although we try to avoid expectations in the beginning, its inevitable. That standard should remain. Men often times actively pursues a woman in a way that gives the woman a false sense of reality and when he has her in the place he wants her, he reneges. WHATEVER YOU DO TO GET HER/HIM YOU MUST DO IT TO KEEP HER/HIM!
I was nominated for a LIEBSTER AWARD!!!!!!!!
Ms J Rivers asked...
1. What does being a Christian mean to you? It means living every day as christ would. Crucifying the flesh daily and striving to live righteous, and to be a better you every day of your life
2. When & why did you start blogging? This is actually my 2nd post lol, last week I started. I started blogging because its new and love trying new things and i've always wanted to start one!
3. If you somehow inherited $1Mil what would be the first thing you'd spend your money on? TITHE!!!!
4. Favorite season. Fall
5. If you had a choice to spend one week under the ocean or in space which would you choose? Underwater, i'd really enjoy that!
6. What skill or hobby have you always wanted to learn? I've always wanted to learn to play the acoustic guitar, I actually started to learn to play but I fell off lol smh
7. What is your best physical feature and why? hmmm... I'd have to say my hair
8. What is the most important thing you could teach a child? About Jesus!
2. When & why did you start blogging? This is actually my 2nd post lol, last week I started. I started blogging because its new and love trying new things and i've always wanted to start one!
3. If you somehow inherited $1Mil what would be the first thing you'd spend your money on? TITHE!!!!
4. Favorite season. Fall
5. If you had a choice to spend one week under the ocean or in space which would you choose? Underwater, i'd really enjoy that!
6. What skill or hobby have you always wanted to learn? I've always wanted to learn to play the acoustic guitar, I actually started to learn to play but I fell off lol smh
7. What is your best physical feature and why? hmmm... I'd have to say my hair
8. What is the most important thing you could teach a child? About Jesus!
9. What defines a woman? Someone who is fearfully and wonderfully made, her ability to nurture and love unconditionally,
10. Natural or processed hair? Natural
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Soooo Its My First Blog!!!!!!
Hiiiiiiii Guys & Gals Im so very excited to share the aspects of my life with you guys. First and foremost my name is Ambrea! Nice to meet you! ;-) Im am a 22 year old, saved, God fearing, singing, hair doing, college going, shopping loving kind of girl.
I am at this stage in my life where i'm learning to live life for today and tomorrow, meaning, love freely, make new friends and enjoy life but always be mindful that the decisions and choices you make today will greatly effect your tomorrow. So I intend on making my todays just a great as my tomorrow will be.
Ttyl xoxoxox!
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