Monday, September 16, 2013

I was nominated for a LIEBSTER AWARD!!!!!!!!

Ms J Rivers asked...

1. What does being a Christian mean to you? It means living every day as christ would. Crucifying the flesh daily and striving to live righteous, and to be a better you every day of your life
2. When & why did you start blogging? This is actually my 2nd post lol, last week I started. I started blogging because its new and love trying new things and i've always wanted to start one! 
3. If you somehow inherited $1Mil what would be the first thing you'd spend your money on? TITHE!!!!
4. Favorite season. Fall
5. If you had a choice to spend one week under the ocean or in space which would you choose? Underwater, i'd really enjoy that! 
6. What skill or hobby have you always wanted to learn? I've always wanted to learn to play the acoustic guitar, I actually started to learn to play but I fell off lol smh
7. What is your best physical feature and why? hmmm... I'd have to say my hair 
8. What is the most important thing you could teach a child? About Jesus!
9. What defines a woman? Someone who is fearfully and wonderfully made, her ability to nurture and love unconditionally, 
10. Natural or processed hair? Natural 

1 comment:

  1. AMBREA!!! So, I finally posted the results of the Liebster nomination. I chose you and Lacy @ Thank you for participating!!
